The Hook of Woodland Heights

The Hook of Woodland Heights is a 1990 horror short film written and directed by Michael Savino, and cowritten by Mark Veau.

Mason returns to the woods, where a young couple Tommy and Katie have set up at a cottage for some alone time. Nervous due to all the news reports about Masons escape, Katie convinces Tommy to take her back into to town, but the car fails to start. Tommy goes off alone to seek help from a friend named Jimmy who lives nearby, and encounters Mason, who has disemboweled Jimmy. Tommy and Mason fight, with Mason coming out victorious when he stabs Tommy in the crotch. Next, Mason goes after Katie, chasing her through the forest, and into town. Just as Mason is about to kill Katie, he is shot in the head by a bystander.The film is then revealed to just be a story being told to a group of Cub Scouts. When the storyteller asks the boys if they believe the ghost of Mason Crane still haunts the town, they answer with No The man laughs, turns to the camera revealing himself to be Mason and screams, I do ........

Source: Wikipedia